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Images Were Created In A Classroom Using Chalk

زيادة حجم الخط مسح إنقاص حجم الخط
Jeddah-Nada Jamal-Neprass 
We all remember how much fun it was when we were finally allowed to draw on the board in school. There was something about the smoothness of the chalk and the larger, vertical scale that seemed so important. Of course, while many students with chalkboard access fall back on games of hangman and stylized lettering (everyone remembers the "S" thing we all drew, right?), some students take it above and beyond normal doodles.

Enter the chalkboard art competitions of Japan. Here, schools from all over the nation design a chalkboard creation that reflects their school, region, and their experiences of high school before entering the larger world. The chalkboards can be designed by anywhere from two to 11 people, and showcase all kinds of colors, themes, and styles.
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