I remember when you were first born and I held you in my arms,
I remember the joy and felt. I thought my GOd had sent me such a charm,
I remember as you grew and played with trucks, toys and friends,
I remember in occasions the kisses and cards you would send,
I see you all grown up now and in my eyes you're a wonderful man,
I wanted to say I'm proud of you as you move on with your lifes plan,
You're all grown up and making choices and decisions that I never would have guessed.
Why God would send you as my son, oh, how I've been blessed.
I want to tell you this very moment how proud I am of you,
I want to show you my love and thank God for you too.
This is just a small token and expression of what you mean to me,
I hope you like it and understand, this is exactly where you fit,
You are my unique and special SON with character, strength and style,
I want you to ponder what I think of you as you read these words for a little while.
My God had truly blessed me because he gave me you to shine,
I want you to know I love you and I'll always be there just to simply care.
I know your future of bright and always in God's hand.
But I just wanted to thank you my SON for being a very special man in my life
I love you SON .