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Rss قاريء


زيادة حجم الخط مسح إنقاص حجم الخط
neprass.anas mukhtar. jeddah 

You see I'm looking for a place that I can call home

Cause I built my dreams in unstable ground

My soul is locked in here not free to roam

My pain Is much harder than what it sounds

I desire to have my yard with my own green trees

I can't run faster they've tied my feet

I'm an out lander in this universe

Feeling Alienated and feeling cursed

I'm a lost child when I'm not here

Look at my eyes and you shall see my fears

Im the out casted kid unwanted and hated

And the barrier is so huge I can't seem to break it

I'm not asking for much

All I need is a loving caring touch

Give me a bit of hope to reach the sky

Give me the chance to go way up high

anas mukhtar
للتقييم، فضلا تسجيل   دخول
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